Wednesday, January 8, 2014

you like sweets?

It’s January 8th and I have successfully completed the first week of 2014 without eating sweets. 

Don’t you think the word resolution has adopted all kinds of bad connotations? It seems resolutions, especially New Year’s resolutions, are destined to fail. They are too associated with the regrets, guilt, and gluttony of the holidays. They are made in a hangover mentality. They have everything to do with the past and nothing to do with the future. 

That’s why I don’t consider this a resolution. It’s one of a few goals I have written down. I am not going to eat sweets this year. 

I am doing it because it’s actually more appealing to me than not doing it. Sweets are a lovely part of life. Or they should be. But they are so easy to abuse. 

I’ve really tried to cultivate the mentality of balance. I welcome all good food: everything from lentils to gelato. What’s good is good if eating it is truly being good to yourself. That’s where sugar really gets in my way. One evening I am joyfully enjoying homemade pie and ice cream with company, and by noon the next day a head of lettuce is wilting in my fridge while I am alone hitting up the drive through at Kneaders to get my fix of cookies and pastries for lunch (There’s nothing more dangerous—and delightful!—than cookies and pastries available at a drive through). I don’t keep ice cream in the house anymore, because I can easily eat the whole gallon on my own in two days. It's embarrassing, I know. It's not really easy to talk about but I know I am not alone. Eating like that, I literally get sick, tired, and depressed. It really gets in the way of normal and happy life.  I know that for me, at least for now, it has to be all or nothing.

It won’t be the first time I’ve given up sweets. I abstained with almost complete success for the last 2 months of my last pregnancy. Those two months before my baby girl was born were so surprisingly easy and enjoyable that I’ve been thinking about it and wanting to do it again since then. 

Something clicked and I’m ready for it. 

This blog is where I’m going to blab instead of binge. Along the way I want to explore and share useful tips and information, not only about sweets but about eating to nourish yourself, about having a sweet life. Perhaps share recipes, book recommendations, links, etc. (regarding both the healthy food I love and the gorgeous sweets I look forward to enjoying in 2015). And share some of my own stories: experiences, struggles, and successes with food (and life, and how they are inseparable). We'll see what it's possible for this resolution goal to become.

What about you? Have you ever successfully completed a New Year's resolution? Or successfully given up sweets or sugar or for a certain amount of time? What do you think is the magic that makes it happen?

And here's a picture of me with my cute little family, because there's nothing sweeter than that:

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